May 08, 2018
YaraMila Compound Fertiliser - a great foundation for all crop nutritional programs
Growers understand they need to optimise many factors in the crop production cycle to achieve the best outcome. Optimising water use efficiency is generally linked to nutrient use efficiency as well (NUE). To optimise NUE, the right product/source needs to be applied at the right rate, right time and in the right place/position.
A feature of YaraMila Complex prills that can help growers achieve their crop yield and quality aspirations is that Yara prills dissolve faster than competitor granules, releasing nutrients quicker for plant uptake. This benefits growers by;
• Quick growing crops require readily available nutrients in the right form that increase soil solution concentrations, meeting the plant’s nutrient flux demand (Figure 1).
• Readily available nutrients support higher nutrient uptake by plants (Figure 2).
• When surface applying fertilisers, rapid dissolution allows nutrients to move into the soil, reducing the risk of soil run-off caused by heavy rainfall. This helps to keep your fertiliser on your fields and reduce possible environmental effects.
• The quick uptake of applied nutrients can help to increase nutrient use efficiency, allowing fertiliser rates to be closer matched to crop requirements and increasing grower profitability.
Click here to find out more about the YaraMila range or contact your local Yara Sales agronomist.