Influencing Almond Yield
Aiming for high yields - with minimal variation between seasons - and a superior quality almond ensures maximum profitability.
How nutrient management can affect almonds
Influencing Almond Weight
Optimum tree nutrition is essential for achieving top nut yields. Potassium is particularly important and needed in large quantities for nut-fill and highest yields.
Autumn Foliar Nutrition Options for Almonds
Post-harvest foliar nutrition is a key component of a comprehensive, year-round nutrient management plan for high producing almond orchards. While there are an abundance of options available in the market, YaraVita BUD BUILDER FL provides a solution that...
Macronutrient and Micronutrients Influencing Almond Quality
Almond quality is greatly influenced by crop nutrition. Calcium and potassium help to improve good fill and tolerance to disease, reducing molds and storage rots. Nitrogen – in excess – can have a detrimental effect on almond quality. Boron reduces water...