Soluble fertilisers to allow you to grow more with each drop

YaraTera - Soluble fertilisers

YaraTera are a complete range of fully soluble fertilisers for use in fertigation systems so both nutrients and water can be managed to maximise both yield and quality. Soluble straights for those preparing their own nutrient solutions with the Krista-range together with Calcinit; or the all in-one easy to use method with the Kristalon range. 

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Why choose YaraTera soluble fertilisers?


YaraTera - Benefits for your crops

YaraTera™ is a complete range of fully water-soluble fertilisers for fertigation which, together with YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™, offer a full crop solution for fertigation.

YaraTera includes a comprehensive range of fully water-soluble products to supplement YaraLiva CALCINIT, including NPKs, straights, chelates and liquid fertilisers. When combined with an efficient irrigation system, both nutrients and water can be managed to obtain the maximum yield and quality.

Importantly, the products are easy to handle and apply to a wide range of crops.