Phosphorus deficiency made worse by
- Acidic or very alkaline (calcareaus) soils
- Low organic matter
- Cold or wet conditions
- Crops with a poorly developed root system
- Soils with low P reserves
- Soils with a high phosphate capacity
- Iron rich soils
Phosphorus is important for
- Increased number of tubers
- Produces tubers of uniform size
- Boosts bulking and increases the yield of tubers
- Increases tuber dry matter content and starch levels
- Improves storage potential of tubers and reduces storage diseases
Yara recommended fertilizers for Phosphorus
potatoes: Applying 500-700 Kg/ha pre-plant or placed at least 8cm away from seed tubers at planting. Apply/Spread 300-350 Kg/ha at Hilling up/Tuber initiation. Refer to Yara crop program @ as a guide or contact your local Yara sales agronomist for advice.
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