How nutrient management can affect vegetable brassica

Browse the complete list of all the vegetable brassica articles to see how crop nutrition affects cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout yield, quality, health or effect on the environment and see the roles of different nutrients.
Improving vegetable brassica yield

Improving vegetable brassica yield

Growing a crop with a high yield is important for maximum profitability. Agronomically, the key to top performing crops is balanced plant nutrition. High brassica yields are obtained on fertile soils where water is not limiting. Good soil structure is...
Vegetable brassica earliness

Vegetable brassica earliness

It is important to produce a complete crop canopy as soon as possible after planting and then to maintain productive leaf areas for a long period, in order to maximize growth. Any early loss in brassica growth and yield potential cannot be redressed.
Influencing vegetable brassica quality

Influencing vegetable brassica quality

Good nutrition is an essential pre-requisite for a high quality brassica crop. By getting crop nutrition right, the grower brings forward harvest and consistently improves head, curd and leaf quality. This can have a significant, positive effect on...
Improving vegetable brassica compactness, size, weight and colour

Improving vegetable brassica compactness, size, weight and colour

Brassica compactness, size, weight and colour vary depending on the market needs and also on the different brassica types. There are, however, some common quality attributes. A uniform size, weight and colour, plus freedom from soil and disease are...
Improving storage quality/shelf life of vegetable brassica

Improving storage quality/shelf life of vegetable brassica

Controlled atmosphere storage is increasingly practiced to maintain quality in store over longer periods and extend the marketing period.
Improving vegetable brassica taste

Improving vegetable brassica taste

Good nutrition is an essential pre-requisite for improved brassica sugar content, resulting in sweeter and tastier crops.
Increasing calcium, vitamin c and glucosinolates levels in vegetable brassica

Increasing calcium, vitamin c and glucosinolates levels in vegetable brassica

Vitamin C, calcium and glucosinolates in brassica vegetables are significant health promoting compounds.
Preventing tipburn in vegetable brassica

Preventing tipburn in vegetable brassica

Tipburn is a major concern in head forming brassicas, because it develops approaching maturity, or during storage, after the majority of investment has been made in the crop.
Vegetable Brassica advice

Vegetable Brassica nutrition advice

Browse the complete list of all the vegetable brassica articles to see how crop nutrition affects cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout yield, quality, health or effect on the environment and see the roles of different nutrients.

Nutrient deficiencies-Cauliflower