Molybdenum deficiency made worse by
- Acid soils
- Low pH
- Low levels of soil organic matter
Molybdenum is important for
- Increased yields (especially with broccoli and cauliflower), inner quality (sugar and vitamin C content) and shelf life
Yara recommended fertilizers for Molybdenum
Cauliflower: 250 to 300 ml/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 days intervals, or a second application may be made at early head development or buttoning. Water rate: 30 to 500 l/ha. Seedlings for transplanting: 5 ml per 5 litres water over 1,000 plants. Alternatively, 300 to 500 ml/ha soil applied prior to emergence and at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 500 l/ha.
Read more about YaraVita MOLYTRAC