October 31, 2016
Timing is everything
Ironically, planned nutrient applications have also been delayed due to the wet conditions as crops have not been irrigated and less than planned fertigation has been done. It is critical that required nutrients are applied at the right time. Almond development is driven continually by accumulation of thermal units (day degrees) and shortages of required nutrients can cause plant deficiencies and reduce yields and quality.
Growers need to consider their options to ensure fertiliser applications occur on time to keep yield targets on track. Yara Crop Nutrition has solutions that can be included into fertiliser programs which provide flexibility and allow growers to maintain correct nutrient application timing to optimise yield and quality.
Yara Crop Nutrition solutions for almonds include;
- Yara Liquids – a range of true liquids that contain 100% water soluble nutrients, supplying all macronutrients; nitrogen (ammonium, urea and nitrate forms) , phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium and magnesium. Yara Liquids are ready for application when they are delivered to your fertiliser site, reducing time and labour required.
- YaraLiva Calcinit - high quality calcium nitrate product that is easy to handle and apply via fertigation systems with no blocking, reducing hassles and lost time.
- YaraVita – fully formulated foliar micronutrient products that allow targeted and efficient application of micronutrients. YaraVita formulations are easy to use, widely tank mixable and contain formulation additives for maximised uptake of nutrients. Foliar application of YaraVita products supplies nutrients directly to the plant via the leaf, by passing the inefficiencies of micronutrient uptake from soil applications.