August 30, 2016

Yara at Cotton Conference 2016

At the beginning of August, the Yara AU Crop Nutrition team attended the 18th Australian Cotton Conference held on the Gold Coast. The event attracted close to 2,000 delegates over 3 days.  This was a fantastic opportunity for some of our new team members to meet key resellers  along with the opportunity for the team to answer questions from cotton growers from all over Australia. Attending from the AU Crop Nutrition Team was David McRae, Bill Adams, Launa Considine, Andrew Stott, Pam Young and Cameron Skewes, The 18th Australian Cotton Conference focused on the outlook for the Australian Cotton industry along with the issues influencing our landscape. Yara Australia’s stand attracted many keen growers and resellers who were buzzing with questions for our Agros. Similar to previous events, we ran a competition for the chance to win an iPad, loaded with Yara’s apps TankmixIT and CheckIT. Both apps are designed to allow for ease of use whilst farming. Congratulations to the lucky winner  of the iPad, Mark Palfreyman! Mark grows Cotton, Chickpeas, Oats, Faba Beans and Mung Beans. For more information on the optimum cotton solutions available from Yara please contact your local sales rep.